Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What is Cash Gifting

Cash Gifting is an action between private individuals. This is not a company nor are there any profits. There are no employees, no CEO‘s, or associates. There are no goods or services exchanged. There may be a company that provides a website, but their revenues do not come from the direct action of Cash Gifting.

We as Americans and Canadians have the Constitutional right to gift cash or other assets. Therefore Gifting is legal found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26. Parents may gift their children up to 20,000 per year. Code also allows individuals to gift 12,000 each year Tax free for both parties.

Even though gifts are made assumption or expected return. When you give, you shall receive. This has been proven again and again. You may only be invited into the Cash Gifting programs. When giving a gift the giver becomes a receiver. This program does not use the pyramid or matrix structure. This allows for nobody to have an advantage over another. The amount of gifts that are received are based only on how many invites the inviter has into the program.

Cash Gifting is no different from you gifting to a charity or foundation. You gift money to somebody that is need of that gift. You gift to a stranger but that occurs in all forms of gifting unless it is your friend, or family.

Please take the time to research this great opportunity. Cash Gifting opportunities are past up by individuals all over this country every day. I like being somebody that didn’t let the opportunity pass bye.

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